
“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.”


3D Printing Product Reviews

I occasionally find the need to review 3D printing related products or write about my experiences with the hobby.

JLG 3D Prints

My Facebook storefront focusing on 3D printed logos and emblems.

Original Prusa i3 MK3 Support and Discussion

My Facebook group of Prusa MK3 users that share their experiences and request help when they are in a bind.

Original Prusa i3 MK3 Print Showcase

Another Facebook group that highlights some exceptional 3D print projects from the community using the Prusa MK3.

Pocket Knowledge Android App

An old project, but still relevant. I built an Android app from the ground up that compiles many of the U.S. Marine Corps’ basic knowledge libraries. Also included are a few fitness-related calculators, including the first PFT/CFT calculator using the new 2016 fitness standards.